students and the teacher

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Our Staff

14th May 2020

…all; twilight Teach Meets and opportunities to learn about other schools from successful leaders of the profession. Our staff also run a journal club – colleagues discussing teaching ideas and

Wrap-Around Care

30th June 2020

…who ensure that children are well cared for and engaged in fun activities whilst on site. The school staff are assisted by Play Leaders, employed by the school, in running…

Head of Seniors

9th October 2023

…through-school, all-boys experience from Nursery to 16+. Genuine interest in how preparatory education feeds through to a Senior School environment and a recognition of the associated benefits for all pupils….

Year 2 sculptures inspired by David Wallace

7th May 2021

…horses from recycled materials. After leaving school, David worked as a stockman, breaking in horses, fixing bores, and mustering cattle. His sculptures are based on his experiences of travelling, working…

The School Day

14th May 2020

school for Early Years 3.30pm End of school for Years 1 & 2 3.50pm End of school for Year 3 & 4 3.55pm End of school for Years 5 –…

Bell Ringers

14th December 2017

…first was in the beautiful setting of the Chapel at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea where the boys performed as part of the Sparrow Schools Foundation annual Celebration of Christmas. Sulaiman…


14th May 2020

and build upon their abilities in all areas of school life and take pride in their achievements. Within the structured school day, boys quickly gain independence, self-confidence and an enthusiasm…

Year 4 at the zoo

22nd March 2017

…point out the various sights as boys passed through central London. On arriving at the Zoo boys were split into groups and headed off in different directions to uncover the…

U13 and U11 Football comes to a close

10th October 2017

…tournament drawing 0-0 to Eaton House School; a team they had lost to 1-0 in the Northcote Lodge School 6 aside tournament. Hamish made some fantastic saves to keep the…

Lower School and Middle School Swimarathon

15th May 2023

Last year, the boys in Lower School and Middle School changed the lives of eight boys in Uganda through a sponsored readathon. This money enabled the eight boys to attend…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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