students and the teacher

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Year 5 DT Project

30th January 2020

…which will weather and settle and hopefully form a habitat for our own ecosystem. With new building and developments last year we hope to have supplemented the bugs natural habitats….

London Schools Swimming Champions!

15th June 2018

This Wednesday the Swimming Squad in years 5&6 won the London Schools Swimming Championships. For the first time the competition added four new races: 100m Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke and 50m…

Rob Biddulph visits Early Years!

29th March 2017

…He drew a wonderful picture of the character from his new book GRRRRRR and read the story. Every single Nursery and Reception child sat listening, totally enthralled by the lovely…

Year 4 at the zoo

22nd March 2017

…explore the Rainforest exhibition. It also allowed some brave boys to come into close contact with a Hissing Cockroach. Particular highlights of the day were seeing some of the new

Year 1 pupil wins Bank of England Museum Competition

21st November 2017

During the October half term, Toby entered a competition through the Bank of England Museum to design a new banknote. Toby’s design, which included many strong security features and which…

Open Mornings in the Reception Classes

10th May 2016

Last week, Reception parents were invited to the ‘new style’ Open Mornings in Magenta, Green, Blue and Purple Classes. Mrs Burtonshaw talked to the parents about Excellent Learning before handing…

Tribe Cross Country

17th January 2020

It was a brilliant way to start the term with Tribe Cross-Country for Years 3 to 8. A new format this year for boys in Middle and Upper School, as…

DPL Model Challenge

15th March 2021

…already expressed an interest in using it in their New Parents’ Evening slideshow… A special mention and first place for a joint entry for James (our spring term Head Boy)…

Diwali at the Prep

5th November 2019

…firework displays, prayer services and festive events in celebration of the occasion, which signifies good triumphing over evil, light over darkness and new beginnings. In Powwow groups – a mix…

Eco Club 2017 – 2018

4th July 2018

…and composting. With the new school kitchens also being developed, the boys will be keen to monitor how our food waste is processed. We are working on bringing more environmental…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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