student in the lab

School News

Year 4 visit from the Earl of Sandwich

1st March 2016

Last week the boys in Year 4 were treated to a visit from the Earl of Sandwich. Grandfather of Nestor in 4H, he spoke about the family’s role in introducing chocolate to Britain.  He interspersed his talk with some fascinating historical facts. Boys were also shown some pages from the 1st Earl of Sandwich’s journal…

20/20 Vision? Early Years Optician Assembly

1st March 2016

Funny glasses, letters on the wall and strange looking instruments, these were all objects that Mr Qureishy brought to the Early Years assembly last week to explain his job as an optician. The children learned about what it means to be short or long sighted, and also how important it is to have your eyes…

Healthy Eating: just a spoonful of sugar?

23rd February 2016

Before half term Olivia Pratt, a nutritionist from Chartwells (who provide our school lunches), came to talk to boys in Year 3 and Year 4 about healthy eating. Boys looked at the ‘eatwell plate’ and were reminded about choosing from a variety of food groups for a healthy diet. A selection of drinks and sweets…

Adventures in Cape Town!

23rd February 2016

Following our adventures up Table Mountain we undertook a whirlwind tour of Cape Town over the next 8 days.  Our next adventure was zip-lining where the boys took in stunning scenery whilst suspended on a series of zip-lines than spanned a distance of 2.3km. The longest line ran for about 500m and was about 155m…

The Prep takes to the slopes!

23rd February 2016

A little dishevelled and bleary-eyed, a group of 45 boys and 6 staff met at 5am on Saturday 13th February to head off for Obertauern, Austria, for our annual ski trip. After the smoothest of journeys, we were having dinner in our hotel before we knew it and, after an early night, hit the slopes…

Nursery Assemblies

23rd February 2016

The Nursery classes each held their own assembly during the week before half term. Yellow Class excitedly bounced into the Hall with individual t-shirts with their photo on and their assembly was All About Me.. Red Class were next, telling us all about Skeletons and Crazy Scientists -there was a lot of backcombing and amazing artwork involved! …

The Great Prep Pancake Off!

23rd February 2016

The Tribes took to their kitchens once again before half term as the Dulwich Prep ‘Pancake off’ served up the classic Shrove Tuesday dish! A technical challenge was set this term with all four Tribes given identical ingredients and instructions in order to produce four pancakes within the allotted time. Mr Roulston, Miss Muir and…

Every Boy's Perfect Day – Chocolate Day

12th February 2016

Year 4’s Chocolate Day extravaganza was a great way to celebrate the half way point of our Chocolate investigation for Topic. In groups, we learned about Mayan culture and the history of chocolate. Students were kings, peasants, crop owners or slaves, looking at how the people lived in a society very different to our own….

Primary Maths Challenge

9th February 2016

In November, all of our Year 5 and Year 6 boys took part in the Primary Maths Challenge.  This nationwide challenge is designed to get pupils involved in interesting and stimulating mathematics, with success in the challenge not dependent on mathematical knowledge alone, but also on the ability to think things through, be logical and find…

Hob Nob vs Rich Tea

9th February 2016

This week Mrs Savill and Mrs Whitehead demonstrated the concept of academic resilience through a quirky medium: biscuits! The boys were asked to think about challenges they may face with their learning and how to respond with resilience. By showing the boys a Rich Tea biscuit dunked in hot tea, versus a Hob Nob, we…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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