student in the lab

School News

Fun Day raises over £3000

8th June 2016

During Fun Day boys from across the school raised money for eight charities chosen by the School Council.  Every form ran their own stall selling all manner of treats, ranging from temporary tattoos to milkshakes, mocktails and waffles.  Boys could test a range of skills, play games and face challenges to win great, mostly edible prizes….

Victory for Ojibwas in Year 3 Swimming Gala

8th June 2016

The year 3 swimming gala was played out in front of a packed crowd and was as closely fought as ever. Taking part in over twenty events the tribes fought hard in every single race and the competition went right down to the wire. An incredible final length in the last relay by Alan (3L)…

Adventures in Normandy

8th June 2016

Now in its third year, on the Monday of half term the French and History trip, made up of 28 boys and 4 staff, headed off to Dover to catch the ferry to Calais. As usual, we stayed in the beautiful Château du Broutel, located only an hour from the ferry port. Despite the weather…

Waterpolo Team ranked second in the country

8th June 2016

It is fair to say that our Under 13s qualified for the English Schools Finals against all expectations.  Not only were we the only Prep school involved, competing against big senior public schools, we were 12 boys who less than 10 months before had been shooting incorrectly sized balls against upside down floats propped against…

1000 Smiles

7th June 2016

Once every two years we get the whole school together in the hope that we can get all 1000 pupils and staff looking at the camera at the same time. There was almost exactly an hour between the first boy and the last member of staff taking their position but with the cooperation of the…

Early Years "Pedal Push" to raise money for NSPCC

7th June 2016

All the children in Nursery and Reception classes had a wonderful time cycling or scooting around the playground track before half term.  The sponsorship forms are still flying in and we don’t have a total yet so please remember to bring your kind donations in this week.  A huge thank you to Maureen who fundraises…

Year 1 visit to St Stephen's Church

24th May 2016

  Last week the Year 1 boys had the opportunity to visit St Stephen’s Church. They were met by Rev. Schunemann and Rev. Mauk who spoke to them about the church.      They were extremely interested in being shown the font and hearing why it is so often placed near the entrance to the…

1D serve up Spanish specialities

24th May 2016

After enjoying some delicious Danish delights, 1D could not wait to cook up a Spanish speciality for 1C.  We decided to make gazpacho and spent the morning working hard to get everything ready.  We peeled, sliced and chopped vegetables which were then blended into a cool, refreshing soup.  We decided to serve the gazpacho with…

1L become pizzaioli for the day!

24th May 2016

On Friday, as part of their Italy topic, 1L went on a trip to Rossopomodoro restaurant in Wandsworth to learn more about Italian culture and a subject of major importance to Italians – food!    The boys were treated to a wonderful and interactive presentation on the different regions of Italy, its geography, climate, main…

Congratulations to our Year 5 'Digital Helpers'

24th May 2016

As our new iPad deployment scheme gets underway, Year 5 boys were invited to apply to take on the role of ‘Digital Helpers’ starting in September. The role will involve the boys assisting at our iPad help desk throughout break and lunchtime, as well supporting other boys and staff during lessons. Each boy had to…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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