student in the lab

School News

Middle School Book Week

24th June 2016

Replace with further content or remove this additional text…Willy Wonka reigned supreme last Friday, as Years 5 and 6 (and staff members!) marked the final day of Book Week by dressing up as their favourite Roald Dahl character.  There were Oompa Loompas, Miss Trunchbulls, a fabulous flock of birds from The Twits, whole families of…

Flooding at Mary Datchelor

24th June 2016

Following the heavy rain Mary Datchelor field has been flooded and is currently closed.

Wye oh why?

23rd June 2016

Canoe and camping on the banks of one of the UK’s most beautiful rivers sounded like the perfect way for 32 Year 8 boys to spend a week in the British summer.  Lazily paddling from campsite to campsite, pitching our tents in the warm evening sunshine, cooking our meals alfresco, playing a game or two,…

Early Years Open Morning and Sports Day

23rd June 2016

Thankfully the rain stopped and our wonderful Sports Day went ahead as planned. The seven classes paraded out in their class colours in what has become a Dulwich Prep tradition, and the races began. We were so proud of the children, their happy, competitive spirits and their sense of fun. The races with brothers and…

Year 7 Residential trip to the Lake District

23rd June 2016

With perfect timing, it being the week following the end of year exams, the whole of Year 7 set off for their residential trip to Glenridding in the Lake District for a week of challenging but fun outdoor activities. The weather decided to challenge us from the outset, with the heavens opening as we pulled…

The Oscars come to Dulwich Prep!

23rd June 2016

Friday evening saw the Oscars come to Dulwich Prep London for Year 3. A buzz and a razzmatazz filled the corridors as the boys changed into their finery and walked the ‘red carpet’ to the Concert Hall. Not even the downpour of rain could cast a cloud on our budding actors, cameramen, script writers and…

Pre-Prep Sports Day

23rd June 2016

Take 147 very excited boys – add the threat of rain and a very hot Sports Hall.  Mix in some space hoppers, tunnels, quoits, buckets and beanbags.  Sprinkle with team spirit and top with an ice lolly! This is the recipe for Pre-Prep Sports Day!   The boys arrived full of enthusiasm and excitement.  Divided up…

Early Years celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday

14th June 2016

On Friday, children and staff at Gallery Road wore red white and blue to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.  The children’s assembly started the day with the wonderful story by Nicholas Allan, The Queen’s Knickers and a special visit from Her Majesty…. The highlight of the day was an Early Years Street Party in the…

Pre-Prep Art Week

14th June 2016

The boys in the Pre-Prep have had a most exciting and creative Art Week. This year, the theme was ‘recycling’ and the boys honed their skills and experimented with a range of materials and techniques.  Year 1 looked at the effect that rubbish has on our water ecosystems. Amongst the many projects, they particularly enjoyed…

Lewisham War Memorial commemorates Prep Alumnus

9th June 2016

On Saturday 28th May at 11.00am two of our Head Boys, Louis and Jasper, accompanied by Mr Roulston, Mrs Revell, our archivist and Mr Gordon, Head of Upper School assisted in the unveiling of a commemorative paving stone at the Lewisham War Memorial. This was in honour of Lieutenant Richard Basil Brandram-Jones, VC of the 8th battalion…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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