student in the lab

School News

Minister of Chocolate visits Year 4

21st September 2016

Monday saw the arrival of the Minister of Chocolate in the Lower School.  A work shop was given on the aspects of the Cocoa Tree and the fruit and bean, along with a short history of chocolate production from the Maya to Columbus and Cortez.  The boys were fascinated with the sensory testing of chocolate,…

Year 1 go dinosaur hunting!

21st September 2016

This week, Year 1 visited Crystal Palace Park to see the wonderful dinosaur models made by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins. There was much excitement as all of Year 1 made their own dinosaur sandwiches and then set off in minibuses! At the park, the boys enjoyed a picnic lunch before venturing out to do a spot…

Start of term in the Lower School

14th September 2016

With almost seamless precision the Lower School is up and running for another year.  New boys and staff alike have settled into the new routines and lessons.  The anxious wait by some to use the fort is over and our boys have enjoyed their well-earned play times on it and a sister fort has also…

Well done to the U11 Football Team

14th September 2016

Our under 11’s had their first run out of the season at the Shrewsbury House under 11 tournament. Despite the early season cobwebs, the boys displayed some outstanding football skills and showed a very clear understanding of how the game should, and could, be played.  Their passing was crisp, their movement on the field was…

Year 7 and 8 Tribe Football Tournaments

14th September 2016

We had a fantastic morning of tribe football last weekend when both the Year 7 and Year 8 groups put their skills on show. The year 7 tribes were exceptionally competitive where the boys combined flair, tenacity and the desire to ensure their tribe came out on top.  However, the over-riding feeling was one of…

Early Years explore new playground

14th September 2016

The Tropics have come to the new Early Years’ playground – dappled sunlight, palm trees and trickling streams!  The Rainbow Club children have been enjoying planting and watering the flowerbeds in the brand new playground.  They also chose what to sell in our new shop – this week the top three are ice cream, carrots…

Pre-Prep first week back

14th September 2016

The Pre-Prep boys have started the term with huge amounts of ‘Courage’! Over the past couple of weeks the boys have been trying very hard to be courageous about coming in to school on their own, trying new foods in the lunch hall, making new friends and attempting new challenges with their learning. Their Excellent…

Summer Sailing Trip

8th September 2016

On Saturday 19th July, 28 excited Prep boys arrived at Camp AzuRivage in southern France. Depsite the 11 hour journey, the boys were in high spirits as they were shown to their ‘luxurious’ tents by the Rockley staff. After a light supper everyone was ready for bed and it did not take long for the…

School Orchestra excel in Music for Youth Festival

8th September 2016

For the second year running, the School Orchestra was invited to participate in the finals of what is the largest music festival in the world.  The orchestra was promoted from the Junior Class to perform alongside senior school and county youth orchestras in Birmingham’s magnificent town hall.   A morning performance time in Birmingham meant…

£5400 donated to La Fenice Commune

7th September 2016

Having raised £5400 from the Art Sale and sale of second hand uniform at the end of last term, Mr Smart was able to visit La Fenice in Sicily to pass on the donation and help to equip the centre where so many refugees are waiting to be given their papers to allow them to live…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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