student in the lab

School News

Pre-Prep's got the X-Factor!

15th November 2016

Pre-Prep’s got the X-Factor! Yes, our Friday Assemblies have become a wonderful occasion when boys can share their musical talents with us. Max delighted us with a Bach Minuet on the violin, accompanied by Mr Halls on the cello.  Cassian took us to another world with his Egyptian dance on the piano and Hugo performed…

Remembrance Service

15th November 2016

On Sunday 13th November Dulwich Prep joined the congregation of St Stephen’s, College Road for the annual Service of Remembrance.  Almost 90 musicians from the Prep participated in this moving and poignant occasion.  The service was led by Revd. Dr. Rebecca Lloyd, Curate at St. Stephen’s and the Vicar, Revd. Canon Bernhard Schünemann, preached the sermon. …

Thinking Challenge

15th November 2016

Last week 36 boys across the Middle and Upper School took part in the UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge. The Challenge is an online test open to all schools in 40 different countries. It introduces pupils to computational and logical thinking. The challenges are made of a set of short problems or tasks which are…

Friends' Firework Display

9th November 2016

The annual Friends’ Bonfire and Fireworks display certainly went off with a bang this year! Almost 2,500 people flooded into the Early Years field to see a monumental bonfire, spectacular fireworks display, and enjoy mulled wine, locally brewed beer, a range of tasty food, and depending on age, some epic light sabre battles! The Friends would…

Commemorate Prep Alumnus

9th November 2016

The flashes and bangs, whistles and starbursts, the brilliant bonfire and all things associated: chocolatey churros, crispy chips, light-sabres, paella, burgers and local (very local) craft brews made for the most fantastic evening on Saturday at Gallery Road…and then, the perfect conclusion…the ultimate crash, bang, wallop…Soldiers’ Field, Chicago! Huge, huge thanks to everyone who helped…

Early Years Diwali Celebrations

8th November 2016

The Early Years children, staff and parents celebrated Diwali in great style, with ornate sarees, colourful decorations and lighted divas.  This Festival of Light is held in honour of Lakshmi, the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity. We learnt that Hindus pray to Lakshmi to bring them good luck in the coming year.  The children watched…

Pre-Prep celebrate Diwali

8th November 2016

As if the fireworks on Saturday were not enough, the Pre-Prep celebrated Diwali, the Festival of Light, in style this week. The hall and indeed all the staff, were decked out in beautiful traditional costumes and flowers, ladies complete with bindis and gentlemen with turbans.  The boys watched the story of Rama and Sita and…

Swimming Success

8th November 2016

On Monday 7th November our Year 3-6 swim squads competed in the first round qualifier of the London Independent Schools Swimming Championships.  As the boys’ first competition of the year, and having had only a few weeks of training, it could have been a nervous start.  However, the boys channelled this energy and came out of the…

U13 Football Tour to Barcelona

2nd November 2016

In the first week of half term, fourteen Year 8 boys arrived in Barcelona for our first football tour on Catalan soil. Our trip started with a visit to Barcelona’s historic sites such as Olympic Park, La Sagrada Familia and the many Gaudi buildings.  On Monday the Ekkono training began, where boys experimented with this…

Fire, Ice and Birthdays: Iceland 2016

2nd November 2016

During the first week of the October half term 32 intrepid Year 7 boys and five staff travelled to Iceland.  After meeting our driver for the week, the boys and staff were whisked off to the Reykjanes peninsular to witness first-hand the forces of plate tectonics and the rift between the North American and Eurasian…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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