student in the lab

School News

Townsend History Prize

13th March 2020

DPL has, for the 2nd time, entered pupils in Years 7 and 8 for the Townsend Warner History Prize for prep schools, a historical tradition in its own right now celebrating 135 years of friendly competition.  After the success of getting a record five boys through to the second stage of the Townsend Warner History…

8C Drama Production

13th March 2020

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” ―Gloria Steinem For the last two weeks, 8C have spent their time working on a piece of drama with the title “This Is What A Feminist Looks Like” with Mr Sperring in the Drama Studio. Surprisingly, the boys had no…

World Book Day

12th March 2020

In Nursery, the children had a wonderfully exciting day, where they heard some engaging stories and classical tales being read aloud, such as Chicken Licken and The Big Bad Wolf. The children had a fantastic time playing together in their new roles. They also shared their own books, and acted out some well-known characters, in…

Buddy's Big Workout

12th March 2020

Well done and thank you to all of the Dulwich Prep London boys and staff who helped to raise money for Buddy’s big workout for the NSPCC. A wonderful week of fun fitness with dance and tribe workouts took place to raise awareness with the message to ‘stay safe and speak out’. Each boy from…

Maths Day at Early Years

11th March 2020

Maths Day took place in Early Years on Friday 6th March.  The children arrived dressed in lots of different outfits with a maths theme; there were hats and bands with numbers or shapes and one boy had been transformed into a dice. We started with an assembly to introduce the theme of the day, Maths…

Cross Country success

11th March 2020

After numerous cancellations in the past two weeks, the Upper School boys were as keen as ever to get their racing spikes on. 9 of our pupils were selected to represent Southwark at the London Schools Cross Country at Avery Hill. With it being our last Cross Country event of the year, the boys gave…

Big Night Out

11th March 2020

Friday 20th March will be a day of relaxation leading into the weekend for many. However, for over half of us in Year 8, it will be something different entirely; we will be experiencing homelessness.  We will be wearing beanies and jackets, having a dinner of soup and sleeping outside on the school’s grounds in…

Lower School Science classes

11th March 2020

This term, some Year 8 boys have been creating lessons for their Lower school peers. They have worked hard to create questions, practise safe procedures and master their techniques.  The Science department are so very proud of the way they conducted themselves and the kindness they showed in answering the many questions from their students….

Year 4 Greek Day

6th March 2020

The Year 4 boys delighted in their Greek Day just before half term. With workshops lead by a presenter from ‘Portals of the Past’ the boys continued to explore ‘All things Greek’ including the myths and legends of the culture, Greek democracy and a chance to try their hand at the Stomachion Puzzle. Possibly the…

U13 Water Polo

6th March 2020

The U13 Water Polo team finished the first round top seed with wins over Eltham (5-2), Colfe’s (6-1) and Alleyn’s (4-0).  All schools were tough opponents but the boys worked well together and fought for each other.  Smiles were mixed with utter exhaustion as the final whistle blew, they gave it their all!  The next round…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

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