student in the lab

School News

Cross Country runners pick up Bronze!

8th March 2017

Our junior and senior cross country teams took part in the Epsom College cross country event last Wednesday.  In a first outing this year we thought the boys performed exceptionally well in difficult conditions. Our senior runners did exceptionally well and finished up as bronze medallists.  The star of the day was James Barnes in…

Music for Youth

7th March 2017

‘Stirring’  ‘full of detail’  ‘excellent’  ‘real presence’  ‘rich sounding’  ‘a group truly as great as its constituent parts’.   Just some of the words drawn from the adjudicators’ comments at MFY 2017. Almost 60 boys made the journey to Harrow Arts Centre to participate in the regional round of National Music for Youth Festival.  This is…

Pre-Prep Eco Warriors!

7th March 2017

Did you know that the 14th – 21st February was National Nest Box Week?  Our Dulwich Prep Eco Warriors in Year 1 and 2 learnt about why birds use nest boxes, what nesting materials they like to use and the best locations for bird boxes. The boys were very interested in this and, using bird boxes made…

Early Years celebrate World Book Day

7th March 2017

Last Thursday was World Book day and all the Nursery and Reception children dressed as a character from their favorite story.  Hairy McClary from Donaldson’s Dairy, A small elephant in a bath from Jill Murphy’s Five Minutes Peace, Knights, Dragons, Lots of Tigers who came to Tea and some Cats in Hats to name just…

Year 3 visit to the British Museum

7th March 2017

Thursday saw Year 3 head off to the British Museum to take a closer look at Ancient Egyptian artefacts and sculptures as part of their Egypt Topic.  The boys started their visit enthralled as they learnt about the book of the dead from an expert in the Museum’s grand lecture theatre. The day was full…

South African Exhange Trip

1st March 2017

Cape Town is often voted as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I don’t think that the boys from the South African exchange trip would disagree with that! From scooting in the shadow of Table Mountain to visiting the historical Robben Island, the city has absolutely everything. Most importantly, the boys…

The Prep heads to the Slopes!

1st March 2017

As usual, 45 Prep boys got up bright and early on the morning of Saturday 18th February to set off on the annual ski trip to Obertauern, Austria. Despite the early start, the boys were in good spirits and the journey went very smoothly. Before we knew it we were on the coach from Munich to…

Springwatch in Early Years

1st March 2017

Spring really has sprung at Gallery Road, as our chicken eggs start to hatch.  There has been great excitement as the children can all see the eggs in their controlled temperature incubator and watch them as they emerge. When all the chicks have hatched and the children have enjoyed watching them and learning from them,…

Upper School swimmers qualify for Final

15th February 2017

The boys in year 7 & 8 have followed the boys in year 3-6 in qualifying for the Independent Schools London League Grand final by winning the South London final in a convincing manner. The meet which was held at Whitgift School in Croydon was attended by the elite of swimming in south London including…

Purple and Green Class Assemblies

15th February 2017

Following the huge success of Magenta and Blue Class assemblies last week, Purple and Green Class continued to show us all what they have been learning this half term. Again, the boys delivered a thoroughly entertaining, professional and above all fun assembly to their parents. Well done Reception Classes! There will be many more photos…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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