student in the lab

School News

Adventures in Hastings

13th June 2017

Last Wednesday, the whole of Year Five and a group of excited teachers left Dulwich Prep bound for the sights of Hastings Old Town, Pevensey Castle and Battle Abbey.  There was much relief to be greeted with glorious sunshine, after the previous day’s rain.  The boys enjoyed exploring the defensive positions of Pevensey Castle, resting…

Pre-Prep Recorder Club

13th June 2017

Fun Day began in style as Pre-Prep boys were treated to the fabulous Recorder Group. They entertained us with renditions of  ‘Crazy Daze’ and even gave us the ‘E B G B’s! There were duets and a beautiful solo of Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ by Fred. There was an array of percussion sounds to tantalise…

Lower School Sports Days

7th June 2017

The Lower School was blessed with two sunny days for their Sports Days. On each afternoon, it was difficult to know where to look as there were boys  jumping, diving through tunnels, tugging  and running in all directions. All boys competed in each event and showed excellent levels of stamina and skill whilst clearly having…

Short Story Winner!

7th June 2017

The Decision He is lying down, asleep, peaceful. His face is pale, but beautiful; but it is still him. The room is windowless, lit by a glaring strip light, making his skin look semi-transparent. The wall behind him is painted a muted blue, but is only slightly visible due to the mess of wires, tubes…

Year 1 European Day

6th June 2017

Year 1 concluded their brilliant half term, focusing on different European countries, by coming into school clutching a variety of traditional dishes.  Each class feasted on the wide range of food from a delectable buffet.  From French snails to Italian pizza, Portuguese chicken to Dutch cheese, each boy came away with a broadened pallet (and waistline).  …

Year 1 – 4 Pow Wow Fun

6th June 2017

The fun from ‘Fun Day’ continued well into Friday afternoon as Years 1-4 joined their Pow Wow groups on the Mary Datchelor field for a mini sports challenge. It was a scorching hot day and with water bottles and sunhats at the ready, eggs and spoons, space hoppers, hoops and beanbags flew into action. Each…

Minibeast Madness!

24th May 2017

The Pre-Prep was ‘Buzz, Buzz, Buzzing today’ at the Year 2’s fabulous production of ‘Minibeast Madness’. The stage was awash with colourful, bottom-swinging, busy bees, crazy flamenco dancing crickets, snazzy snail-rockers and dancing dung beetles, who were all unaware of the dastardly Bug Squad attempting to exterminate them.  However, just as the Praying Mantis Bride…

Magnificent chess teams

24th May 2017

Last weekend we had two teams in the main event and two in the plate competition at the semi-finals of the National Primary Schools Chess Competition and wow did they do well! The U9B team were just pipped to 2nd place in their Plate competition whilst the U9 team came 3rd in the main event….

Big Band Love West Dulwich

24th May 2017

The Big Band played to a sizeable gathering of the good people of West Dulwich, friends and parents on Saturday May 20th at the Love West Dulwich Annual Spring Fair.  The rain held off long enough for the Band to play its entire repertoire – lasting an impressive forty minutes in total.  The old jokes…

Swimming News

24th May 2017

Wow what a busy couple of weeks for the boys in the pool! Fresh from the successes at the IAPS National Finals the boys in Years 5 and 6 took part in the English Schools Primary Team Qualifying round at Whitgift School. In a very competitive field both the Freestyle and Medley teams have once…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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