student in the lab

School News

DPL Model Challenge

15th March 2021

On the last Friday of half term, boys in Middle and Upper School were encouraged to take part in the first-ever Tribe Model competition.  The aim was to recreate part, or all, of the school in either a 2D or 3D format.  The final pieces submitted by the end of the February break exceeded all…

Remarkable Success – Year 6 and Year 8 Offers Announced

1st March 2021

With the majority of senior school results now known in Year 6 and Year 8, we are, once again, thrilled with the results. Despite the challenges of this assessment season, the boys have achieved remarkable success. “I hope the boys know how proud we are of them and that their experience will stand them in…

A Letter from the Head Boy

4th December 2020

Happy 2021! Dear Parents and friends of the Prep, We can’t do our normal Christmas concerts this year but that doesn’t mean we can’t be festive. With the help of teachers across the School, and with some technical support, we’ve put together an advent calendar here – click on Santa over there on the right…

Rainforest Day in Year 4

17th November 2020

Last Tuesday, Year 4 celebrated Rainforest Day. The boys took part in several activities that immersed them in our topic, pulling together their skills from across the curriculum. The first activity was a ‘mini beast hunt’, where we visited Early Years woods and categorised bugs we found. The boys also scavenged fallen leaves and twigs…

Jacob, our Autumn Term Head Boy

16th November 2020

Starting at Dulwich Prep London in 2011, Jacob is remembered as “always arriving at school with a lovely smile and ready to learn” by Mrs Barrick, his Nursery teacher. Mr Topham, Head of Upper School, says “Jacob is kind and thoughtful and his independence of mind, creativity and playfulness shine through in this video. He…

Dulwich Prep London Remembrance Service 2020

13th November 2020

“When you go Home, tell them of us and say,  For your Tomorrow, we gave our Today” John Maxwell Edmunds, 1916   At 11am on 11th November 2020, our school joined together for a two minute silence to honour and remember all those who have sacrificed their lives in combat. The service began with autumn…

Embracing Change in Sport

11th November 2020

It’s a new normal for sport at Dulwich Prep London. Coming back in September, we knew that our teaching style would be impacted by the new social distancing measures. Often we find that anything new or different can be seen either as a threat to the status quo or as an opportunity. The DPL sports…

Green Screening at the Prep

2nd November 2020

Boys in the Year 7  Creative Drama Rotation have been experimenting this month with the use of the green screen. They have been editing and putting together their own short films. For the Year 7 Drama Rotation, the boys worked on a Docudrama/Documentary where they filmed and edited a Corona-themed piece of Docudrama that they…

DT Community Projects

8th October 2020

From working with the Alma-Nac architects repurposing the Dulwich Picture Gallery’s Colour Palace to creating environmentally-friendly engines using the 3D printer, learn about all the wonderful things our DT department are involved with at Dulwich Prep London.

DPL@Home Goes Live

21st April 2020

Our new Remote Learning site, DPL@Home, opened its virtual doors this morning as pupils returned to work for the Summer term. Staff have been busy building the site and creating content during the Easter break to allow our pupils to continue their learning as effectively as possible. The site directs pupils to their subject lessons…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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