student in the lab

School News

Year 7 trip to the V&A

21st November 2017

The year 7 creative DT rotation had a wonderful visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum. We had talks by people in the film industries, car designing and product design. It was very interesting as we all want to do these jobs, none of us can decide! When we arrived, we walked through an enormous…

Mo'fti Day this Friday

21st November 2017

The Mo’s are really starting to take shape and with wax in hand we are getting ready for Mo’fti day this Friday 24th November. Boys must wear their school uniform. The boys are welcome to bring in and wear their own Mo for the day and donate £1 towards the cause. This week we are…

Movember 2017

14th November 2017

The Mo growing has begun! We already have some quite outstanding Mo’s on display around school. Thank you to everyone who has signed up and already donated. We take part in Movember every other year as we aim to target awareness of and research into male prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and physical inactivity….

Year 3 begin Viking Project

14th November 2017

After the success of the Roman topic, Year 3 have switched their focus to consider the Viking invasion of England. This began with a creative task and the designing and making of an elaborate figure head for the front of their Viking longboat. The figure heads were used to scare their enemies and were often…

Year 2 re-create the Great Fire of London

14th November 2017

There were cries and gasps of wonder on Friday afternoon in the Pre-Prep playground as Year 2 gathered for a spectacular recreation of The Great Fire of London.  The children had diligently built Tudor houses complete with thatched roofs which were then lined up close together, on the playground, like the busy streets of London…

Fireworks 2017

14th November 2017

The general consensus is that the Dulwich Prep London Friends’ Fireworks Evening seems to surpass its already high expectations year on year. 2017 was no exception and this is an evening which features in the top ten displays in London and is one of the largest private displays to be found anywhere.  Darkness fell and…

Year 3 pupil wins Old Vic's Eco Competition

14th November 2017

As winner of The Old Vic’s competition to design a character and puppet that would fit in the world of Dr Seuss’ The Lorax, Kasper, 3L, won family tickets to the show over the October half-term. He was also invited to attend Dr Jane Goodall’s talk later that day. He learnt more about her inspiring…

Start of the Rugby Season

14th November 2017

A traditional block fixture against Caldicott was the first of the rugby season which started last Saturday.  These first fixtures are always tough, especially against our opposition this term who are well into their rugby by this stage of the season. Like past seasons, our boys performed admirably, adapting quickly and remembering what they needed…

Anti-Bullying Week

14th November 2017

This week is National Anti-Bullying week running in schools and colleges across the country and our boys have been examining this emotive issue through the theme ‘All Different All Equal’. By using PSHE, Drama, Assemblies and form times, we hope to provide the boys with a variety of opportunities boys where they can consider and…

Y8 Sorrento Trip

8th November 2017

A very early start saw the party of 35 boys and 6 staff arrive at our hotel by lunchtime to a short sharp downpour! Luckily it was the only rain of the trip, and the afternoon saw us play football at the local ’campo’, swim and take in a scenic walk before heading out to…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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