student in the lab

School News

Cookery Clubs and Classes

30th January 2018

What could encompass fine motor skills, following detailed instructions, balancing flavour mixed with a little chemistry?  Cooking of course!  The Cookery based clubs and creative rotations are some of the most oversubscribed lessons and clubs and for good reason. These are led by enthusiastic foodies – both boys and staff – and each day the…

Year 5 Birdhouse Project

25th January 2018

For the spring term, the Year 5 boys are moving away from hibernating insects to nesting birds and developing our precision and accuracy by making bird boxes for common garden birds.  They are responding with wonder and awe at the birds’ migration patterns and building strategies and developing their environmental awareness by creating living roofs…

Rugby Round-Up

24th January 2018

We have had a very positive start to the second half of the rugby season.  Despite the weather trying its best to dampen spirits, the boys have turned up focussed and ready to play.  A few good meals over Christmas have certainly helped and the boys have returned slightly bigger, stronger, faster and keener for…

Boarding at Brightlands

24th January 2018

Brightlands Boarding House is an incredible facility. It gives boys an opportunity to find out a little more about themselves, try new things and become independent young men. Perhaps most importantly, it is boarding on your terms.  You choose which days. You choose how often. You choose the activities. It is progressive boarding; with your…

South African Cricket Tour

17th January 2018

A winter of cricket nets will hopefully have the boys prepared for some tough cricket when our 1st XI squad depart for Cape Town on 7th February.  A group of 14 very excited boys are looking forward to experiencing cricket at a slightly more competitive level, where the tracks are harder and quicker and the challenges…

Chess success

16th January 2018

On Friday 8th December there was a school chess team outing to the prestigious London Chess Classic event at Kensington Olympia. Boys from different age groups received educational and entertaining lectures, competed in a mini junior tournament and were able to see the world’s top players in action.  A wonderful and truly beneficial occasion: a great…

Pre-Prep Eco Club Bird Feeding

10th January 2018

Pre-Prep’s Eco club embraced the ‘Animals’ branch of the Roots & Shoots programme this winter, making fat cakes for our local birds. The boys learnt the names of some of the most common birds, researched what they like to eat and got their hands truly sticky mixing fat with energy-rich seeds to help them through…

Ian Bostridge to visit school

10th January 2018

We are delighted to confirm the visit of Old-Boy, Ian Bostridge (1969-1978) to the Prep on Wednesday April 25th. In the afternoon Ian may have the opportunity to listen to our choristers and offer advice, before giving an evening recital. The evening will conclude with a question and answer session hosted by Huw Humphries, current Prep…

Senior Citizens' Party

15th December 2017

The holidays began in traditional style as The Friends hosted our traditional Christmas Party for elderly people from our community. The venue was different, Pre-Prep, but the party had all the usual ingredients. Great music from the Big Band, mince pies, sherry, crackers and, of course, Bingo! Many thanks to The Friends, boys, staff and…

The Christmas Concert

14th December 2017

Thank you to all the musicians in our flagship groups who presented a splendid evening of music in our Christmas Concert.  The larger ensembles, Senior Concert Band, Big Band, Chamber Strings and Senior Orchestra played impressively and we look forward to future performances during the academic year.  We were also treated to some fine ensemble…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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