student in the lab

School News

Chris Riddell visit to Pre-Prep

6th March 2018

As a thank you for the £63,000 that the Pre-Prep have earned over the years for Readathon, famous author and illustrator Chris Riddell came to visit. Years 1&2, and the children from our neighbouring school, Dulwich Wood Primary, packed the concert hall to listen to his wonderful stories and watch as he illustrated his talk,…

Pupils exhibit at the Royal College of Art

28th February 2018

The Art Department is delighted to announce that some of our boys’ work has been selected to be shown in an exhibition at the prestigious Royal College of Art, as part of the ‘Young Art’ competition. ‘Young Art’ is a wonderful opportunity for students aged 4-18 to have their work judged by artists and exhibited…

Year 8 visit to the Royal Courts of Justice

27th February 2018

As part of our British Values curriculum, a second group of year 8 boys visited the Royal Courts of Justice. Walking into the cathedral style Great Hall was a spectacular introduction and to see the judges, barristers and clients going about their business really demonstrated that we were at the heart of criminal and civil…

We are the Prep Tribes, tall and proud!

27th February 2018

On Thursday morning, the 1C parents were treated to a ‘school tribes’ class assembly.  The boys sung traditional Native American songs, including a beautiful rendition of “Shenandoah” which included their own accompaniment with hand bells.  The songs were interspersed with interesting facts about the school tribes which boys shared with clarity and confidence (all whilst…

Pre-Prep celebrate Chinese New Year

27th February 2018

The Pre-Prep brought in Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dog in a special assembly last Friday. The parents and boys described the traditions and culture associated with the celebrations and performed an amazing masked play, retelling the story of how the 12 animals were chosen to represent each year. The boys dressed…

Earl of Sandwich visit in Assembly

27th February 2018

We were thrilled to welcome the Earl of Sandwich to speak to the Middle and Upper School boys in this morning’s assembly about the role of the House of Lords in the executive, acting as a check and balance in the making of laws. We were told about the Earl’s fascinating personal family history, how…

You are what you eat

27th February 2018

Just before half term, one of our parents, Dr Alazawi, talked to the children about eating well and looking after their insides. The Nursery and Reception children were the perfect audience for an international speaker.  What 3 to 5 year old doesn’t love hearing about food’s journey from start to finish. Thank you again Dr…

Year 7 visit the V&A

22nd February 2018

Year 7 Creative Rotation spent a really interesting day at the Victoria and Albert Museum working with a professional designer that prints 3D food.   We attended a Prototyping workshop where we analysed original Victorian artefacts, considering the function, materials and client.  Then spent a fascinating session in the Japan galleries sketching our favourite objects.  We…

Cricket Tour to Cape Town

21st February 2018

The cricket tour to Cape Town departed on a very cold Wednesday morning. After a super trip to Doha on the Airbus A380 and then on to Cape Town after a very short stop-over, we arrived to a magnificent sunny day in South Africa and immediately departed on our first excursion of the tour.   The…

Year 4 Ancient Greek Day

21st February 2018

On the last day of half term, Year 4 enjoyed their ‘WOW Ancient Greek Day’. The boys looked super in a myriad of costumes including a fair number of Minotaurs, a few Poseidons and many Greek soldiers. During the day the boys enjoyed a quiz on Ancient Greece and needed to solve an ancient mathematical…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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