student in the lab

School News

Music workshop at Dulwich College

17th October 2018

Last week some of our Year 6 boys attended a Music workshop at Dulwich College. Here is what one of our boys had to say: We had so much fun at DC scoffing our faces with enormous, delicious chocolate muffins the size of our fists! We also spent time catching up with our old friend…

First Pupils' Concert of the year

17th October 2018

Tuesday evening’s Pupils’ Concert was a fantastic start to this year’s series of concerts. There was a great array of instruments played, from double bass and euphonium to the viola and accordion and a wide age range of boys performing, from Pre-Prep to Year 8. There was much to enjoy throughout the evening and all the…

4W Class Assembly

17th October 2018

The excellent learning characteristics are familiar to boys from Nursery to Year 4 and indeed beyond. The characteristics help them think about how they are learning and how to develop their ability to learn. It is worth listing them in their entirety, together with their accompanying animal: Creating Crow, Organising Octopus, Communicating Cat, Linking Lion,…

Sports Round Up

17th October 2018

Biathlon at Whitgift on Sunday 14th October Dulwich Prep London boys were at their very best on Sunday, producing nothing short of outstanding performances in the Biathlon Qualifiers at Whitgift School. U13 Team winners – James B, Nate G & Matthew P U13 Individual winner – James B U12 Team – 2nd place – Elias A,…

Year 4 at Chessington

16th October 2018

Whilst the boys are aware of the debate about the care of animals in zoos, the opportunity to travel to Chessington enabled the boys to see ‘up-close’ many of the creatures they have researched during their ‘Rainforest’ project this half term. Throughout the day, the boys were asked to discuss and record how the animals…

Harvest Festival at the Pre-Prep

16th October 2018

The Pre-Prep had a little bit of Strictly Come Samba and Flamenco last week with a Spanish flavoured Harvest. The boys delighted their audience with their singing of The Harvest Habenera and The Harvest Samba. There was rapping of The Little Red Hen Story, accompanied by Subomi (Year 7) on the drums, there was a…

Interesting facts at 4L's assembly

10th October 2018

At the beginning of the 4L assembly, some interesting facts were presented: in school there are, at least, 29 different languages spoken by the boys, 7 religions and 26 ethnic groups represented. In 4L alone there are 7 languages spoken, 4 religions and 12 different ethnic background groups. What followed was a fascinating stroll through…

Memorial Wall Appeal

10th October 2018

William Ralph Martin-Leake was born in Sri Lanka, he came to live in Alleyn Park and attended Dulwich College, before going to Cambridge to read Classics. He returned to the College as a house master in 1889 and two years later whilst playing for the Harlequins won his first England rugby cap. He was also a…

Winning Streak continues for the U11’s

10th October 2018

  The U11 boys capped off an amazing start to the year with victory at the ISFA U11 regional tournament last Thursday. The boys made the short trip up the road to Alleyn’s School for their fourth tournament in a month; this one, however, was definitely the biggest test yet.   With one school unable…

Bishop of Woolwich visits the Prep

4th October 2018

It was a privilege to welcome the Bishop of Woolwich, the Right Reverend Dr Woyin Karowei Dorgu to our Assembly on Friday and hear him speak to the boys about his own life experiences and spirituality. He shared an insight into his role as Bishop and three lucky volunteers were able to try on his…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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