student in the lab

School News

Remembrance Service at St Stephen's Church

14th November 2018

Last Sunday morning, Dulwich Prep joined the congregation of St Stephen’s, College Road for the annual Service of Remembrance.  Over 50 musicians from the Prep participated in what was a moving and poignant occasion – especially given the significance of it being 100 years, to the day, since the Armistice at the end of the…

Reflecting on war through art

14th November 2018

Throughout the course of this term, boys in Year 4 to 8 have explored reasons and ways in which artists have responded to war throughout history, producing a varied range of practical responses which show different and creative interpretations of the theme ‘war’. Using imagery from our archives, Year 4s have produced charming and playful…

Sorrento trip 2018

14th November 2018

As we look back at the Sorrento 2018 trip, it seems extraordinary to think that over the course of the past 15 years or so, over 500 Year 8 boys from the Prep have joined the trip to the Bay of Naples. It remains a popular trip, not just because of the historical sites, the…

Chocolate Day for Year 4

14th November 2018

Always a highlight for the Year 4 boys, Chocolate Day was received, as usual, with great enthusiasm. During the day, the boys enjoyed a circus of activities including tasting a variety of chocolate, creating their own chocolate treat, researching how chocolate bars are made from their raw materials, designing a chocolate bar for the future…

Prep+ dine in the dark!

8th November 2018

On the second Monday of half-term, we had the unique experience of visiting the Dans Le Noir restaurant in Farringdon, where we had the ‘dining in the dark’ experience. We were served by two wonderful waiters, Fabio and Ghow, who are both blind. It was an unforgettable practical experience of what life is like as…

Under 12 Football tour to San Sebastian

8th November 2018

We took twenty Year 7 boys for a trip of a lifetime to San Sebastian to develop their skills from a football perspective and for their personal development.  Being on tour is more than just playing football, it is a chance for boys to learn about the world around them and develop those key independent skills…

Pre-season rugby tour to the Basque Country

8th November 2018

The U13 rugby boys started their season earlier than usual this year with a pre-season tour to the Basque Country.  A group of 28 boys gathered long before the sun made an appearance on Monday 29th October and were in full voice as we departed on the coach to Heathrow.  Immediately on arriving at our…

Tribe Rugby update

8th November 2018

What a great way to start the rugby term. All the boys in Years 4 to 8 had a training session in morning games in preparation for Tribe Rugby in the afternoon. A slightly different format this year, as we played a slightly more physical form of Touch Rugby, which enabled all willing participants to…

Boys report on their amazing Iceland trip

8th November 2018

Thomas and Luca report on their trip to Iceland:- The Iceland trip started for most of the 24 boys on Sunday morning, getting on the coach and saying bye to our parents and relatives. The trip through Heathrow airport was speedy and we were on the plane to Iceland in no time. After going through…

Nurturing Programme 'Talking Teens'

17th October 2018

Following on from the success of our 10 week Parenting Programme, we now have a sharply focussed course on communicating with our pre-teens and developing teenagers. It certainly can be a difficult stage in a person’s life and the impact of behaviours will affect the whole family. As parents, we often have pre-conceived ideas of…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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