student in the lab

School News

Aquatics success stories

21st November 2018

It has been another very busy week in the pool.    On Wednesday 14th, 16 water polo players travelled to Whitgift to play in a triangular against Whitgift and Eltham.  It was a fantastic afternoon of friendly matches with both the U13s and U12s competing against very strong opponents.  The U13s worked very well as…

4C assembly

20th November 2018

Last week, 4C performed an outstanding class assembly for the boys in Lower School and then reprised their song for Middle and Upper School in their assembly on Friday. The assembly asked us what have you done that required you to find extra courage. Starting a new school, trying ‘Go-Ape’, playing a football match, seeing…

Member of Parliament visits the Prep

20th November 2018

Last week, Helen Hayes, MP for Dulwich and West Norwood, came to Dulwich Prep along with guests from Alleyn’s and JAGS. She spoke engagingly for 15 minutes about a day in the life of an MP, describing some of the challenges she has to face balancing the interests and beliefs of her constituency and her…

Three Words, an installation by Charity Fox

15th November 2018

  To mark the centenary of the Armistice, the Art Department had the pleasure of welcoming Charity Fox, Art Conservator at the Tate Modern, to carry out a very relevant, exciting and moving project. The Artwork, filled with symbolism, took three words as a focus: honour, love, remember.   Throughout the course of one day, Charity invited…

Armistice Week summary of events

15th November 2018

Middle and Upper School The week started with a talk in Assembly looking at daily life for a Prep boy in the ‘Golden Summer’ of 1913 and the contrast with 1918, after the war. That day the boys were offered Trench cake, using a WW1 recipe, for snacks at morning break and at lunch they…

U13 and U11 Water Polo

15th November 2018

Both the U13s and U11s began their 2018/2019 water polo campaigns with a competitive fixture against Dulwich College.  The matches offered all the boys a fantastic opportunity to put into action some of the skills and tactics which they had been practising during training. For the U13s, the match also provided the team with an…

Early Years Diwali Assembly

14th November 2018

  The Nursery and Reception children were all transfixed by the colourful assembly that some of our Early Years’ parents treated them to. We were told the story of Rama and Sita and we all counted the heads and arms of Ravana in Hindi. All the children were given a diva to decorate in their…

Dulwich Park Run

14th November 2018

The Prep joined in the Dulwich Park Run on Saturday.  What an amazing morning of willing participation, where all boys excelled in some capacity in a wonderful community event. Building a passion for health related fitness, where running is challenging but fun, should really be a corner stone of any good sporting programme, however fast or…

Fireworks, a bonfire and rain!

14th November 2018

Even the rain could not dampen the bonfire. The Dulwich Prep London Fireworks has featured in the top ten displays in London and is one of the largest private displays to be found anywhere.  It is a magnificent event, meticulously organised, and even the November rain could not keep people away.    Darkness fell, the rain…

Year 1 visit Rochester Castle

14th November 2018

As part of their topic, Year 1 boys became knights for the day as they explored Rochester Castle. Climbing the steep steps to the very top of the tower, the boys were able to imagine what life may have been like in the 12th century. When they reached the top, they were treated to exquisite…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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