student in the lab

School News

8W Drama

14th March 2019

Last Friday 8W’s two week drama project culminated in an evening performance entitled ‘Strong Women’ to coincide with International Women’s Day. The quality of performance the boys produced was an extraordinary achievement given the time-frame, the complexity of the script and the focus on women in a boys’ school. Far from being awkward and contrived,…

3H Class Assembly

14th March 2019

In their recent class assembly, the boys of 3H gave us information about why the charity day is so important to help the billion people who live in poverty around the world. The picture of a simple house in Ghana was in stark contrast to the homes we return to each evening and, once again,…

1L Class Assembly

14th March 2019

1L’s class assembly theme was women explorers and scientists who achieved amazing things by following their dreams and believing in themselves, even when things got tough. They all helped shape – and map – the world we live in today. We followed the journeys of 4 inspiring women – Mary Anning, who discovered her first…

Early Years Maths Day

14th March 2019

Mrs Barrick masterminded yet another incredible Maths Day on Friday.   We started with a lively  and colourful assembly and all the children played a shape reveal game. The fun did not stop there as the whole of Year One came to Early Years to play maths games with our Reception boys in their classrooms.  All…

Year 6 in York

14th March 2019

The Year 6 residential takes place each year in York. The boys are split into two groups, with the first group spending Sunday to Wednesday in York before swapping with the second group who spent Wednesday to Saturday away. The trip is one of the highlights in the Year 6 calendar and a trip that…

ProCorda Concert

13th March 2019

On Sunday 3rd March our Year 6/7 Piano Trio performed in the Final Concert of the ProCorda National Chamber Music Competition 2019, which took place at Queen’s College School in Harley Street. The Trio, comprising of Wilf P, Yanic N and Sacha S, played their Adam Carse ‘Menuet’ very musically and with real flair. They…

Happy School Bags

13th March 2019

Huge thanks to all our parents and staff who helped by donating clothing, toys and textiles for Dulwich Wood Primary School’s ‘Happy School Bag Fundraising Scheme’. This not only helps schools raise funds, but also helps the environment by diverting discarded, but reusable, textiles away from landfill and recycling them instead. The school is paid by the kilo for…

Pre-Prep Running Club

6th March 2019

This week saw the start of Pre-Prep Running Club. The young, enthusiastic athletes set off during their lunch break to Mary Datchelor playing fields. The boys enjoyed improving their running technique and demonstrated our school values of self-discipline and service by running in groups that were a suitable pace for all. Over the next term the…

Cross Country at Danes Hill

6th March 2019

A beautiful spring morning at Danes Hill School on Thursday 28th February ensured another great sporting event for Dulwich Prep. We arrived armed and ready for action, having trained hard at Mary Datchelor fields since the start of the term. The results – wide and varied success, as it should be! In the Lower School it…

Brick Wonders for Reception

6th March 2019

There was great excitement last week when the Reception Classes each visited the Brick Wonders Exhibition at the Horniman Museum in Forest Hill as part of their Buildings of the World topic. They found it hard to decide which part was their favourite: the mini bus ride, incredible Lego buildings, making their own structures or…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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