student in the lab

School News

Lower School Swimming Gala

2nd May 2019

Monday 29th April saw Dulwich Prep London host the first Lower School swimming gala against Finton House.  In the run up to the gala, boys were allowed to choose which event they wanted to compete in with some boys opting for their strongest stroke whilst others used the gala as an opportunity to improve their…

U13s Waterpolo match today!

2nd May 2019

This Thursday will see the U13s play in the next round of the English Schools National Water Polo competition.  The team have started the term strongly, fitting in an extra training afternoon last week and a long gruelling session yesterday.  The tournament will be very competitive with Dulwich Prep up against established senior schools: Whitgift,…

Author visit

28th March 2019

The sound of a mass ‘burp’ produced by nearly 400 children is not something usually heard in our Concert Hall, but it was just part of a riotous event with Andy Griffiths, the internationally famous children’s author who visited the Prep as part of his latest UK tour.  Children from Dulwich Wood Primary joined our…

Ted Talks at the Prep

28th March 2019

This morning Dulwich Prep London held its second annual TED Talks TEDxYouth@DPL. This year’s theme was based on the idea of ‘In my lifetime …’ with ten boys from DPL speaking to an audience of Y7 and Y8 pupils as well as selected adults. The event was an absolute success with insightful talks from leaders…

Meet the Head 2019

28th March 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the first in this year’s series of Meet the Head when Tom Lawson from Eastbourne College (Endless Horizons – Endless Opportunities) will take centre stage. Eastbourne College is a community with excellence at its core, and a clear focus on health, happiness and a holistic education.  It is a…

Chinese instruments

28th March 2019

Imagine playing a musical instrument that is almost 10,000 years old or needing to manage your fingers on 10 strings not just the 4 of a violin, or hearing a tune played exclusively on bells. These are all musical experiences that the Lower School boys were given during our assembly. Many thanks to Quixan’s parents for their…

1C Transport Assembly

28th March 2019

Last week, 1C performed their class assembly on ‘Transport’. The boys presented an informative and charismatic show explaining how transport has developed through time. The audience were treated to a ‘Locomotion’ dance, a rendition of ‘Space Odyssey’ performed on kazoos, a presentation of the boys Kandinsky inspired artwork and not forgetting an Aesop’s Fable to…

Young Art success

28th March 2019

Another successful year for our young artists, with various pieces being selected for the Young Art competition. Huge congratulations to Jolyon F (Year 7) for winning Third Prize in the Printmaking category, Luke H (Year 6), Rufus H (Year 6) and Aidan D (Year 5) for being Commended in the Art category and Alfred G…

Lower School Voices

28th March 2019

A chorus of 200 boys singing their hearts out was a superb way to start our day on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Lower School ‘Voices’ assembly. From the extremely grumpy boys singing the ‘School Song’ from Matlida to the joy of the finale of Grease, our delight was not only the sound the boys…

Spring Choral Concert

28th March 2019

Southwark Cathedral was, once again, the magnificent setting for the Spring Choral Concert.  The boys’ choirs were joined by the Choral Society to present works including the iconic Requiem by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  Following a welcome from Senior Choristers James and Samuel, the evening began with Verdi’s Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves.  This is a…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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Is your son moving up to Year 8 next academic year? If you are thinking about 13+, then register for 2025 Year 9 entry now!

With no more than 60 pupils per year group in Years 9 to 11, find out about our new bespoke senior school offer!

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