student in the lab

School News

Year 3 residential

12th June 2019

It was an absolute delight to have taken the Year 3 boys on their residential trip last Friday and Saturday. Despite a number of heavy downpours throughout the weekend, the boys remained positive and cheerful throughout their time away. They listened well, were organised, and got the most from each activity. These included caving in…

Early Years Open Mornings

7th June 2019

Before half term, parents of the boys and girls in Early Years were invited to see a snapshot of some of the different activities their children get up to each day. In the classrooms parents and carers saw the children working at various curriculum tasks including: writing animal CVC words, sorting mini beasts, making a…

National Theatre tour

24th May 2019

Year 8 Creative Rotation were lucky that the sun shone all afternoon last Friday when we went to the National Theatre to take part in their brilliant backstage tour.  We had enough time beforehand to look at the amazing riverfront architecture and compare the building techniques of the bridges old and new.  The tour itself…

Design Museum Trip

24th May 2019

Year 7 DT Creative Rotation spent a glorious afternoon in the incredible recently refurbished Design Museum designed by John Pawson, known for his minimalist style.  The boys loved the dramatic sweep of the roof, the exposed structure and the immaculate attention to detail of the building. They then had a lovely time trying out a…

Chess Championship

24th May 2019

Congratulations to our U11 chess team who, following a sterling performance at the regional semis at the weekend, have made it through to the English Primary School Championship Finals to be held in the Midlands in early July. Eighteen boys and parents (thank you parents!) travelled to the Sussex seaside, making 3 teams of 6:…

Cricket news

24th May 2019

Last Saturday our senior cricket teams played a block fixture against our neighbours Dulwich College.  It was a first run out for most of our teams and there were some super performances and close matches.  The standout performance of the day was the 1st XI.  With six Year 7 boys being selected into the side,…

Eco Club news

23rd May 2019

With this week being national Walk to School Week, our boys have been keen to play their part in promoting a healthier lifestyle for all, including looking at how we can all help tackle the high levels of air pollution. Our Eco Club boys from Years 1-8 were invited to take part in a school…

The BFG comes to the Pre-Prep

23rd May 2019

On Wednesday, the Year 2 boys captivated their audience with Roald Dahl’s story of The BFG adapted into a musical by Mrs Chambers. We had scruffy orphans singing It’s a hard knock life, giants, with huge masks, singing I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers, ballet dancing phizzwards, thriller dancing trogglehumpers, the Pre-Prep’s very…

Tribe Swimming

23rd May 2019

Last Thursday, Lower School enjoyed its annual tribe swimming galas. Both galas went off with military timing and organisation to ensure that all boys, staff and parents had a super time. It was hot, it was loud, it was very exciting! Congratulations to the winning tribes: Year 3: Objiwas Year 4: Deerfeet And then individual…

Prep+ Outings

23rd May 2019

Prep+ has had a busy start to term with three wonderfully diverse trips which gave boys and parents the chance to experience some of the best of London events and architecture. ‘Come From Away’ at the Phoenix Theatre arrived this year having been voted the ‘best musical’ in America. The story of the 7000 airline…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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