student in the lab

School News

Rwandan genocide survivor visit

24th September 2019

On Friday 20th, boys were treated to a display of what our school values look like in “the real world”. Freddy Mutanguha, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, spoke deeply movingly about how it had felt to lose one’s parents, to be a 10 year old hiding from the militia while they came searching, and…

Year 5 in Sheringham

18th September 2019

Early last Wednesday morning the Year 5 boys and staff left for Hilltop, an outdoor pursuit centre near Sheringham on the north Norfolk coast. The aim of the trip is largely to help build relationships between the boys and their tutors, but also to develop our school values as life skills in a very different…

Tribe Football news

18th September 2019

During the first week of term, we completed all six Tribe Football tournaments (from Year 3 to Year 8). It was a great way to kick start the season.  The boys played with huge smiles on their faces and performed with such enthusiasm and effort.  The highlight was seeing our Year 8 1st XI boys refereeing and…

Road Safety in the Pre-Prep

18th September 2019

Year 1 and 2 were excited to welcome The Dangerous Theatre Company for ‘Peli and Zebe’s Roadtastic Adventure’. Through lively songs and movement, the boys learnt to ‘stop, look and listen’ when crossing the road and to find safe places to cross. They delivered a road-tastic adventure and made sure we all know how to cross…

Teddy Bears' Picnic at the Early Years

18th September 2019

Our very first special event in the Early Years the Teddy Bears’ Picnic took place on Friday 13th September. Bears of all shapes, sizes, colours and in different states of repair arrived with the children, ready to make sandwiches, then ‘go down’ to the woods for the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and…

Year 1 visit Crystal Palace Park

18th September 2019

This week, Year 1 visited Crystal Palace Park to see the wonderful dinosaur models made by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins. There was much excitement as all of Year 1 made their own dinosaur-shaped sandwiches and then set off in minibuses! At the park, the boys enjoyed a picnic lunch before venturing out to do a spot…

Year 7s in Pembrokeshire

16th September 2019

On Monday 9th September, the Year 7 boys set off on their residential trip. Even though the journey was long, the boys were settled and ready to tackle the many activities that lay ahead. The boys were split into 6 groups and assigned a group leader. Each group rotated through coasteering, St David’s city tour,…

National Coding Week

16th September 2019

Pupils across the school have been busy this week, learning different types of code. The boys have been excited to create code that enables animations, solves complex puzzles and produces simple bespoke games. As part of our normal computer science curriculum and digital learning, lessons use simple block coding for example Year 1 are learning…

A busy week for Miss Davidson

7th September 2019

It has been a busy week for our new Head Master, Miss Louise Davidson. In a note to staff Louise said… “It has been brilliant spending a little time in each Section of school, whether it has been visiting the newly refurbished Lower School, dropping in to the classrooms in Pre-Prep and Early Years, talking…

Parkrun Dulwich

7th September 2019

What a fantastic way to start the weekend! More than 150 Prep pupils, old boys, parents and staff joined the regular Parkrunners in the beautiful setting of Dulwich Park on Saturday morning. Not only were they taking part in an amazing community event designed to promote the brilliant sport of running but they helped raise…

Open Morning 2024

From September 2024, we will be known as Dulwich Prep & Senior. Come and join us at our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September.

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