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Lewisham War Memorial commemorates Prep Alumnus

Posted: 9th June 2016

On Saturday 28th May at 11.00am two of our Head Boys, Louis and Jasper, accompanied by Mr Roulston, Mrs Revell, our archivist and Mr Gordon, Head of Upper School assisted in the unveiling of a commemorative paving stone at the Lewisham War Memorial. This was in honour of Lieutenant Richard Basil Brandram-Jones, VC of the 8th battalion The Royal North Lancashire Regiment.

The Victoria Cross Medal was created in 1856 by Queen Victoria to recognise the acts of bravery of all the military, regardless of rank.  Since its inception just over 1,300 Victoria Crosses have been awarded, six to former pupils of the Prep.

Richard was born in Honor Oak, Lewisham and he joined the Prep aged 9 in 1906.  He was killed in action at Vimy Ridge on 21st May 1916, aged just 19.  He received the VC for showing enormous courage in encouraging and steadying his men when fatally wounded.  It was the bravery, leadership and comradeship in the Great War shown by Richard and the many other old boys of the Prep, that inspired the pupils at the time to request of the then Headmaster, Rev W R M Leake, MA, that the school’s motto be changed to what it is today: ‘Tous pour un and un pour tous!’ A most inspiring and fitting tribute. 

Lieutenant Richard Basil Brandram-Jones

Here you can find out more about the Victoria Cross and Lieutenant Richard Basil Brandram-Jones.

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