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Early Years celebrate Harvest

Posted: 10th October 2017

The Nursery boys and girls, in their class coloured t-shirts all sat in front of an extremely proud audience and sang their well-practised Harvest songs.  The Headmaster‘s visitor from Australia read the children an autumn poem and they sang about autumn leaves.

The Reception classes sang songs about cauliflowers, cabbages and beans and other Harvest foods and acted out the ‘Story of the Enormous Turnip.’ 

Reverend Schunemann from St. Stephen’s Church completed our Harvest Assembly with a talk, echoing our Value about ‘Love’ and a gentle prayer to say thank you.  

Our special guests from Balmoral House joined us again this year, and they thoroughly enjoyed watching the children perform and their bouquets presented by the Reception boys. Our thanks go to all the parents who so generously contributed food for our Harvest and which will be distributed to the residents of Balmoral House this week.

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