student in the lab

Big Band Love West Dulwich

Posted: 24th May 2017

The Big Band played to a sizeable gathering of the good people of West Dulwich, friends and parents on Saturday May 20th at the Love West Dulwich Annual Spring Fair.  The rain held off long enough for the Band to play its entire repertoire – lasting an impressive forty minutes in total.  The old jokes were made about the Band playing easy-listening Jazz and ‘middle of the road’ music in the middle of Park Hall Road next to Café Rouge!   

All of the boys playing had given up their Saturday morning to play with some having missed cricket matches which showed exceptional commitment. The Band were amplified by a Professional PA provided by the organisers which drowned out the traffic noise on Croxted Road and I am told that we could be heard on the First XI Cricket Pitch at Dulwich College!  New friends were made by the boys in the form of passing onlookers drawn in by the sunny music and there were ‘smiles a plenty’ at the end of our set.

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