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The Prep heads to the Slopes!

Posted: 1st March 2017

As usual, 45 Prep boys got up bright and early on the morning of Saturday 18th February to set off on the annual ski trip to Obertauern, Austria. Despite the early start, the boys were in good spirits and the journey went very smoothly. Before we knew it we were on the coach from Munich to Obertauern, stopping on the way to get fitted for skis, and then arriving at our usual home for the week in the shape of the beautiful Gottschall’alm hotel, right in the heart of the mountains. 

With last year’s weather leaving considerable room for improvement, the group did not know what to expect but were fortunately rewarded with a few days of glorious sunshine and fantastic powdery snow. Even a snowy final morning proved a fun experience for the boys who skied expertly all week, with all levels receiving resounding praise from their instructors, with whom the boys formed very close bonds.

Like every year, afternoons and evenings were spent bowling the Austrian way, bumboarding in the sunshine, singing like divas and quizzing like experts. Night skiing on the last evening was again a highlight for many. Great fun was had and we are looking forward to returning to the pistes of Obertauern once again in 2018. Please look out for letters coming out in the mailings in the not too distant future.

To see more pictures and videos check out the trips Twitter Feed. 

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