student in the lab


Posted: 11th November 2019

in addition to acts of Remembrance at school on Sunday 10th November Dulwich Prep joined the congregation of St Stephen’s, College Road for the annual Service of Remembrance.  Over 60 musicians from the Prep participated in this moving and poignant occasion.  The service was led by Reverend Canon Berhard Schünemann, Vicar at St. Stephen’s.  Reverend Schünemann also gave a most interesting sermon chronicling his own father’s wartime experiences upon a return to his hometown in Bremen in Germany after WWll.  Mrs Davidson, Elliott, Zac, Henry and Hugo led the traditional Remembrance prayers.  The Choir were on form with soaring descants and two most appropriate anthems, Vaughan-Williams’ Let us now praise famous men and Aston’s So they gave their bodies to the Commonwealth.   The Brass Group played World War 1 songs before the service and, along with Mr Brooke at the organ, accompanied the hymns.  The Group also accompanied the National Anthem at the War Memorial, at which Mrs Davidson and Head Boy, Hugo, laid a wreath on behalf of the Dulwich Prep London community.  On military bugles, boys from the Prep played the Last Post and Reveille.

Thank you to all who took part in what is always a moving and important occasion in our year.

The short film below gives a brief insight in to this poignant occasion.

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