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Astonishing Cats at the Prep

Posted: 21st March 2019

Astonishing, remarkable, stunning… just some of the adjectives used by the Headmaster as he addressed the cast, crew and audience following the final performance of Cats by Andrew Lloyd-Webber with the texts by T.S. Eliot.  A personal greeting of best wishes was sent to the cast by the composer which was received before the first performance. 

It really was a most colourful, vibrant, entertaining and at times poignant performance which brought members of the audience to their feet at each showing.  It would be wrong to comment on individual performances as there were so many of which to be proud but equally impressive was the litter of chorus cats who each had a small section of the audience with which to interact.

Congratulations go to every member of the cast who gave of their all in three wonderful performances which will be long remembered.  Thanks go to the army of staff who assisted with costumes and make-up, Mr Brooke and ‘The Pits’ for their lively accompaniments, the boys who assisted as stage crew and special thanks go to Mr Stephenson and Ms Gilsenen, the Director’s tireless production crew.   It is however to Mr Sperring to whom the biggest debt of gratitude is owed.  His energy, vision and imagination were infectious and he moulded a performance that would have graced any public stage. 

Bravo !

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