student in the lab

Biathlon Championships

Posted: 21st March 2019


Last Sunday boys from Years 4-8 competed in the National Schools Biathlon Championships at Crystal Palace. In what is a starter competition leading into Modern Pentathlon the boys are timed in a 50m or 100m swim and then timed in an 800m or 1600m run, points are awarded for each event and then added together.

The boys did amazingly well especially as over 150 boys were competing in each age group. In the team competition are U10s came 5th and our U12s were 8th, the U11s won a bronze medal and the U13s split a very strong Whitgift A and B team by winning the silver. A huge well done to all the boys but especially James (Y8) who was our highest individual finisher coming in 4th.

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