student in the lab

Dr Higuchi visits the Upper School

Posted: 30th January 2019

The week began for the Upper School boys with an absolute treat of a talk from Dr Takeo Higuchi, who has been championing the concept of ‘the ideas marathon’ since its inception in 1984. He is a dapper septuagenarian, full of energy, playfulness and creativity, and he shared a phrase that will resonate with us all in years to come; ‘curiosity makes every day delightful’! He showed the boys lots of examples of pictures of past geniuses’ notebooks – a joy to behold – the jottings of Einstein, Edison, Picasso or da Vinci –  thoughts recorded on pages, the seeds of ideas, maybe to be developed in future years. Dr Higuchi himself has already filled over 400 notebooks since 1984, writing down at least one idea every single day, so is close to 250 000 ideas, which he hopes to grow into 500 000 ideas by the time he is 105! We know that his talk will have certainly inspired, and resulted in some boys digging out a notebook and beginning the disciplined and creative process of thinking of an idea a day and recording it.  If the boys do this and then talk about their ideas with friends and family, hidden abilities will no doubt be revealed and curiosity develop.  This might be the beginning of a very creative journey for some, and maybe the ‘birth’ of a future genius!

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