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Pre-Prep Eco Club Bird Feeding

Posted: 10th January 2018

Pre-Prep’s Eco club embraced the ‘Animals’ branch of the Roots & Shoots programme this winter, making fat cakes for our local birds. The boys learnt the names of some of the most common birds, researched what they like to eat and got their hands truly sticky mixing fat with energy-rich seeds to help them through the cold spell ahead. We reused cardboard cups for the containers and the boys took their bird food home to hang in their gardens and put on their bird tables.

Next, we’re planning to take part in the RSPB’s annual Big Schools’ Birdwatch which runs throughout January to 23rd February. The boys will help count the number of birds seen in our school grounds which helps the RSPB check on the status and numbers of Britain’s birds for their annual birdwatch survey.

If you’d like to get involved at home, the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch is on from 27th-29th January – head out to your garden or local park for one hour over one of these dates and record the birds you see land using the RSPB’s website or paper form: more information can be found at www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch

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