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Year 3 pupil wins Old Vic's Eco Competition

Posted: 14th November 2017

As winner of The Old Vic’s competition to design a character and puppet that would fit in the world of Dr Seuss’ The Lorax, Kasper, 3L, won family tickets to the show over the October half-term.

He was also invited to attend Dr Jane Goodall’s talk later that day. He learnt more about her inspiring life story, ground breaking research of chimpanzees in Tanzania’s Gombe National Park, her global youth programme Roots & Shoots and her environmental message for us all – 

“It’s not too late … Everything is connected – everyone can make a difference.”

Kasper has written about the experience: 

How I met the Lorax

In the summer holiday, I spent a whole day designing and making a puppet for “The Lorax” competition. I came up with Lumi, guardian of the rivers, because I thought that he was someone the Lorax would like to be friends with. I used lots of scraps we had at home to make him, but the best bit was filling a water balloon with water for his big belly! The show at The Old Vic Theatre was incredible! I especially liked the way the puppets moved and how the actors made you believe they were real. Afterwards, I even got to meet the Lorax and Dr Jane Goodall. I was also lucky enough to go to her lecture after the show. She has inspired me to be an Eco Warrior for the rest of my life!

See the website below for more details about the show and Dr Jane’s talk:

Roots n Shoots

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