student in the lab

Old Boys' University Events

Posted: 26th September 2017

On Sunday, a new initiative with our ‘Old Boys’ began with a meeting of some of those currently studying at Bristol and Cardiff Universities. It took place at a hostelry in Bristol and was a lovely chance for staff, and indeed the boys themselves, to catch up with each other and to hear about their memories, studies, interests and future plans. Their courses of study included  Ancient History, Medicine, Engineering ,Philosophy and Economics while interests ranged from sky diving, rugby, cooking (only in a couple of cases!) to running ultra-marathons,  Over a wonderfully long roast lunch, the conversation flowed and it was clear how much their time at the Prep meant to them. We look forward to seeing many of them again at our East India Club reception in December. The intention is to tour several campuses this year and to do a similar thing where there are a good number of Ex-Prep boys studying and where others could travel to if in the region. Plans are afoot for Cambridge, Oxford, Durham/Newcastle and Edinburgh.

If your sons are ‘Old Boys’ of the Prep and may not be registered with the association be they at University or now pursuing careers‘ please ask them to register at www.dpoba.org

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