student in the lab

Adventures in Hastings

Posted: 13th June 2017

Last Wednesday, the whole of Year Five and a group of excited teachers left Dulwich Prep bound for the sights of Hastings Old Town, Pevensey Castle and Battle Abbey.  There was much relief to be greeted with glorious sunshine, after the previous day’s rain.  The boys enjoyed exploring the defensive positions of Pevensey Castle, resting their hands on stone work from 1066, possibly in the very same spot as William the Conqueror himself!  In the Old Town we navigated the maze of old net shops, fish mongers and took advantage of the East Cliff Lift to look over the town from the cliffs above.  At Battle Abbey, Mr Gordon gave the command to advance up Senlac Hill, treading in the footsteps of the invading Normans, before unleashing a ferocious final charge to the summit.  There is no doubt our trip to 1066 country was, much like the Norman invasion, a success. 

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