student in the lab

Teddy Bears' Picnic at Early Years

Posted: 21st September 2016

Nothing, not even torrential rain, could dampen the excitement in Early Years on our Teddy Bears’ picnic day.  Bears of all shapes, sizes, colours and in different states of repair arrived with their children, ready to make sandwiches and then ‘go down’ not to the woods, but to our hall for the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

 Mrs Chambers and Miss Fenwick, Goldilocksand the Three Bears had all of the children in Early Years captivated. There where ohs and ahs as Goldilocks trespassed into the bears’ cottage ate the porridge, broke baby bear’s chair and feel asleep on a sea of cushions. 

The children had been practising songs all week and each and everyone, including the staff, joined in with the songs and actions.

Not to be daunted by the weather, the children ate their sandwiches just outside their classrooms. It was a very special day. 

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