student in the lab

1L become pizzaioli for the day!

Posted: 24th May 2016

children eating pizza

On Friday, as part of their Italy topic, 1L went on a trip to Rossopomodoro restaurant in Wandsworth to learn more about Italian culture and a subject of major importance to Italians – food! 


The boys were treated to a wonderful and interactive presentation on the different regions of Italy, its geography, climate, main cities and areas of interest. They learnt about where ingredients come from, for some of the most famous Italian dishes. There was an opportunity to compare the differences between Italian and English attitudes to food before the boys watched excitedly as their votes for favourite ice cream flavours and pizza toppings appeared in a pie chart in front of their eyes!

It was then time to get messy! After listening to the resident pizzaiolo explain to them how to make pizza dough, the boys had a go themselves. There was much laughter and competition as they set to work, learning to create the perfect shape and size of pizza base and complimenting each other in Italian. 

The dough was taken home for the boys to cook over the weekend while the experts created authentic masterpieces in the golden wood fired oven. There was talk of estimating, measuring, fractions and counting down as they waited for the pizzas to cook before tucking into a gourmet Neapolitan lunch. The boys came back to school delighted with their day and their new found knowledge and appreciation of Italian food. Weekend activities included making pizzas and focaccia bread at home – eccellente!

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