student in the lab

The Great Prep Pancake Off!

Posted: 23rd February 2016

The Tribes took to their kitchens once again before half term as the Dulwich Prep ‘Pancake off’ served up the classic Shrove Tuesday dish!

A technical challenge was set this term with all four Tribes given identical ingredients and instructions in order to produce four pancakes within the allotted time.

Mr Roulston, Miss Muir and Mrs Brownsdon generously agreed to taste and judge the pancakes and unanimously agreed on the Deerfeet victory – the combination of textures and flavours was unparalleled! Huge congratulations to Tom (8P) and Harvey (6C) for their teamwork.

High praise too for the other 6 chefs – William (7C), Sam (5D), Ben (5L), Xander (7C), Kai (7H) and Alfred (5C) whose efforts were enjoyed enormously by the judges as well as the boys themselves!


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